Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

Performance: Andrew W.K. at The Fonda

Family Party Night

I’m told that there is only a very short period in your kid’s life that they look up and admire you, but, most importantly, when they like you.  My kid is 6 and she thinks I’m the coolest.  She loves thrash metal, rock, and almost all the music I put on the stereo or record player.  I know it’s crazy and it might not last, so, I’m taking full advantage of this time with my daughter and best friend.

Andrew W.K. doesn’t come around every day, and you’re not going miss this fucking show! Excuse my French-Canadian.

With that in mind, I took my daughter and my wife, (my wife actually bought the tickets, but, whatever), to go see Andrew W.K. and his entire “Party Hard” band at The Fonda on a Wednesday night.  And yes, we had her miss school so she could really enjoy the concert, and to truly be in the ”Party Mindset.”

We bought these tickets over 2 months go, after coming back from a trip to Maine for one of my best friend’s wedding. This was the perfect way to end our vacation.  The only thing I was really worried about was my daughter falling asleep.  Even though she took a 2 hour nap before we arrived at The Fonda theatre in Hollywood, The Sandman was lurking close by.

You see… my daughter has a history. She’s fallen asleep during 2 of the most epic shows in her young history.  The first time was during the J-Pop / Death metal cross over band, Babymetal.  And the second time was during one of the most savage shows in local history, “Launcher, Melted Bodies, The Manx and Dakaiju,” at a show that almost quite literally was a barn burner (or a warehouse burner, if you will). 

So, when my daughter started getting heavy eyes during the opening act, “The Saint James Society,” (no fault of their own). I saw the same pattern presenting itself… once again.  My wife thought quickly and, using her superior partying skills, got the kid a soda. Thank God it worked.  “Andrew W.K. doesn’t come around every day, and you’re not going miss this fucking show! Excuse my French-Canadian.”

Andrew W.K. has been touring non-stop and promoting his newest album on the, “You’re Not Alone Tour,” since March. That mixed with all of Andrew’s “Party Product Reviews,” the King of Partying has put a lot of time and energy into his latest album.  The newest album is the perfect amount of what made, “I Get Wet,” such a legendary album.  Tons of songs that you can easily be singing upon 2nd chorus.  I love this album and it has been played over and over like Chucky Cheese on a Saturday night. This party will never stop!

Now, back to my kid.  Andrew took the stage, and I was able to get her in the photo pit for the 1st two songs.  (Again, my wife’s idea) Having my kid there as I photographed a legend was awesome.  Andrew and his band all thrashed and flung their bodies about and everyone in this band seems to really give a fuck. More importantly, they love what they are doing.

The power of party on full display. Photo: Anthony Mehlhaff

There were many amazing moments during this night, including: back-to-back guitar solos with all 3 guitar players, a guitar solo on a custom taco-guitar, a birthday boys encore drum solo to bring the party back, and even a shout out to my little girl after one of our favorite songs, “She is Beautiful.”  Andrew pointed right at my kid, who was on my shoulders, and said the song was for her.  It was awesome.  

But the best moment came during the anthem off Andrew’s monumental debut album, “I Get Wet,” entitled, “Get Ready To Die.”  A “Where’s Waldo” looking hero leaped from the front row, over the photo pit, and onto the stage just as the piano chorus hit. He didn’t miss a fucking beat as he smashed the keys, perfectly whilst Andrew slung his arms like pistons from the depths of hell to the fluffy Skys of heaven.

I don’t use the word “Hero” lightly.  This guy should be in the hall of live music fame next to that guy, Svensson who played Tom Morelo’s guitar solo for him in Sweden after Tom suffered a broken arm. Legends.

If you haven’t seen, or even worse heard, the new album, “You Are Not Alone,” you probably are alone and depriving yourself and life of “The Party Mindset,” but thankfully there is a cure.  Go get the album and follow Andrew W.K. on instagram, you will not be disappointed.

Parties are Magic. A.W.K. Photo: Anthony Mehlhaff

Lastly I have to mention the fans… oh my gawd these fans!  These are some of the coolest fans I’ve ever had the pleasure of sweating and moshing with.

Andrew W.K. and his live band of party-ers continue their tour and quest to enlighten the masses of what the meaning of ,”true partying” really is.  Go see them and remember to, “Get Wet, Party Till You Puke, Get Ready to Die and Party Hard.” Most importantly, remember that, “The Devil’s On Your Side and Music is Worth Living For.”  Party Hard, but party responsible.

Rest in Peace Mac Miller.

For more articles, photos, music info and prizes, follow @fuqtoff on instagram.

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